Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Does Python have logical operators?
A: Yes. Logical operators fall under one category of operators that are essential in Python.
Q: Does Java and Java Script have the same syntax?
A: No. While Java and Java Script have somehow similar names, they are different programming languages.
Q: What are the costs for the software services?
A: The costs are listed in the Fees page.
Q: How do the online interactions work?
A: The online interactions utilize Audio Communications; Video Communications; Screen Sharing; Session Sharing.
Q: How does the Python programming language compare to other programming languages?
A: Python has become at the top of the list of other programming languages such as R, Java, Java Script, C, Perl, PHP, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails.
Q: How does the online Python work relate to other online computer programming work?
A: The process of working in programming languages can be divided into 2 main categories. The first category is the syntax of the programming language. The second category is the logic of the programming language. The syntax differs from one programming language to another. However there is a strong common thread of mathematical logic between all programming languages. And Python is at the top of the list of the different programming languages. Thus online Python learning paves the way for learning other programming languages such as R, Java, Java Script, C, Perl, PHP, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails.
Q: I did online Python work before. Yet I still find difficulty capturing the concepts. Are there better ways for online Python work?
A: Yes there are definitely better ways for online Python work. The online Python work needs to adjust for each mind in distinct ways. LinkSoftwareProgramming uses real life analogies to illustrate complex concepts.